We had a very sad day today when we went to preschool and found out that their beloved preschool teacher Mrs Penni had to quit unexpectedly. Bella cried and cried on the way home, along with me. She kept saying "I'll never forget you Mrs Penni I'll never forget you." She was the kind of teacher that just radiates love and had so many creative activities for them. The two months they new her it almost seemed like she was a good substitute for not having a Grandparent that they see on a consistent basis, or any family for that matter. I was so grateful for how much she loved Lilly and Bella and I hope the new teacher can have a similar roll.
Soo we all went to the zoo and had ice cream

We had a Fun weekend staying at our farmhouse for the first time since we purchased it 4 months prior. Jake and I acted as the sole contractors on the house and each job was completed with precision and detail that in most cases would have costs of thousands and thousands to have contracted out. For anyone that has seen the house they now what a trash hole it was and most people that have seen it just think were crazy and hope we get rid of it asap. However Jake and I have gotten a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from this that nothing else could give at the time. Most work was done at night the only time a parent can take a break or one or the other of us would take a Saturday, while the other stayed with the kids. It was a crazy amount of work especially laying the wood floors and in Jakes case digging the .25 mile long water new water main, but when you don't watch TV it is amazing the amount of time you have to dump into a prodject. So far we have
- gutted the house including all the flooring walls and ceilings
- lifted the house as the back end of the foundation had settled about a foot lower the then rest
-drywalled and retextured the entire house and ceiling
-replaced all the interior plumbing
-laid a 100% hardwood maple floor (only 1$/ft a fraction of the cost of most flooring b/c we bought the factory seconds)
-dug a sprinkler system and over .25 miles of pipe to run a new water main to the house
-sanded and refinished the vintage 1950's cabinets
-tore off and roofed the house
-tore off the terrible rotting porch
-replaced doors and vent covers ect
-replaced toilets and bathroom sink, and cleaned and cleaned
We still have a lot of work on the outside but it was amazing to stay in a place that I never thought would be this nice
The crowning event in any home, a kid with an ice cream