Life is very wonderful right now. I wake up to the bright happy faces of my twin girls and we get to spend about one hour together before the new brother Tobe awakes, and dynamics get interesting.
We read books in bed or go out and watch the morning sun come up while they both talk and talk and talk. Yes their are also many mornings when the two energetic little things are put out in their tree fort with a bowl of cereal and an episode or two of Wonder Pets while I try and get a little more sleep.
When Toben wakes up he is ready to eat and eat. We start with large bowls of oatmeal and fruit and go on to eggs and sausage and then maybe a fruit shake. As a mother of 3 I feel like a short order cook trying to balance the importance of organic home cooking with 2 picky eaters and one very hungry boy. It is a work in progress but at least they all like a lot of different vegstables and fruit and sometimes meat, unless you call the meat chicken then Bella is out.
After the morning feeding I try to get the little animals to help me clean up their stall. It is about as easy as getting a cow to clean up her own cow pies, but we try lots of things. Lately Lilly likes unloading the dishwasher. Lilly likes being in charge and enjoys bossing her mother around to feel like things are even, so I take all the dishes she gives me and I do what she tells me to do with them. Bella will clean up a room if you ask her to a million times or she will do it really fast if you bring out the vacume, just so nothing precious gets sucked up. Tobens favorite job is pushing the vacume back and forth all over the living room, his a strong little mite. As soon as morning chores are over we try and get out of the house and stay out of it as much as possible all day. The pool is the favorite place and all three run right through the door and into the pool first thing. Lilly and Bella love swimming under water like mermaids and love their purple goggles. They race to fetch any object I toss to the depths. After going to the pool consistently every day all year for two years they have really taught themselves how to swim it is amazing to see. We never had to push them to do something they were not comfortable with they just progressed on their own and love jumping off the diving board swimming anywhere in the pool and kicking around on their backs. It is really amazing to see such little girls swim all over the place. Toben is very good in the water for a one year old and today all on his own he started blowing bubbles in the water. He also loves to wear goggles just like his sisters.
When Dada comes home their is an excitement in the air, because he is usually ready to wrestle and play and I am usually very tired by then. The girls will run and get their mexican wrestling masks that they only dawn when daddy is around. Lilly is names Aqua Loco and Bella is White Lightning. It looks so funny to see the little things run around with these hilarious little masks on and attack their father. Toben dosn't have a mask but loves to where his dads and when he puts it on he makes a lot growling type boy sounds, very darling.
After dinner which for Bella is usually a big affair of gagging whining and trying to get away from the table we go play in the back yard or swim again.
Bedtime is a blessed event in a parents day. Lilly and Bella give sweet prayers and name everyone in the extended family, and just to have a little more time with us they whip out the phrase, "can we read the Golden Book" which is the scriptures. Jake and I feel very blessed amidst being worn out overwhelmed and all else that comes with being parents to three under three. Thankfully we both have amazing sets of parents that raised us in that good old fashioned way at home with lots of love so we would have an idea of what to do with our own